Fifth Amendment

Sparta /
| 30 Dec 2022 | 10:07

    Our Constitution’s Fifth Amendment protection,

    Against self-incrimination is a deflection.

    Our Legal System is being misused,

    And the democratic search for truth abused.

    We all have the Right not to self-incriminate,

    But if not guilty why honesty procrastinate.

    “Pleading the Fifth” and “I do not recall”

    For the desperate and arrogant their sad caterwaul.

    “Situational amnesia” with lawyers’ consent

    A Justice travesty for democracy’s descent.

    “The mob takes the Fifth” this infamous did claim,

    But then with cohort insurrectionists did the same!

    The Fifth has a righteous democratic intent

    To protect the innocence but not the malcontent.

    George Kibildis
