Grateful for the community support of the Turkey Trot

| 28 Nov 2018 | 11:30

Last week, approximately 350 local families received complete Thanksgiving feasts, including a turkey, side dishes, fresh fruits and vegetables, and homemade desserts thanks to the overwhelming thoughtfulness of our community. Generous assistance was offered by many cariing individuals, businesses, churches and organizations. We offer our heartfelt thanks to everyone, and we would like to recognize several for their unique contributions. The Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church for providing invaluable support to this effort for 32 consecutive years. John Mathews, for donating more than 1,500 pounds of fresh produce year after year. Roy Knutsen and the College of Knowledge for the annual contribution of hundreds of turkeys. Colleen Duffy and the First Presbyterian Church of Newton Youth Group for baking 200 pies. Stephanie Sumpman for donating apples. Michael McNamara for his unflagging assistance every year. Selective Insurance Company of America and Mars Incorporated for providing volunteers and food. Freedom Animal Hospital, Reverend George A. Brown Memorial School, Kiddie Academy, and the Frankford School Girls on the Run club for their generous monetary and food donations. The many local students who gave back to their community by helping to assemble the meals. Shop Rite for providing hundreds of plastic bags so that families could bring their provisions home.
This effort provided so much more than food for Thanksgiving. It demonstrated to our participants that they matter, that our community cares for them, and that there is a place for them to turn in times of need. We are blessed. Our profound thanks to all of you.
With grateful hearts,
Deborah Berry-Toon,
Project Self-Sufficiency Executive Director