School board would thrive with ‘Stop Raising Taxes’ candidates

Sparta /
| 27 Sep 2024 | 12:05

    The slogan “Stop Raising Taxes” was created in August of 2023, when three Sparta residents decided to run for the Board of Education after Sparta experienced an unprecedented 5.8 percent increase in school taxes. This amount was 3.8 percent more than is permitted annually by the Department of Education without obtaining special permission from the county.

    These three residents, along with many more, had witnessed the Board of Education at that time repeatedly squander money on inflated legal fees, unnecessary policy changes and a host of avoidable expenses. A year-over-year comparison of our school budgets for the past five years showed not only consistent overspending in certain areas but negligence in adjusting the same line-item amounts for the following year.

    In short, the Sparta Board of Education was spending an exorbitant amount of taxpayer money on unnecessary expenses that were not properly budgeted for, committing the same overspending the next year, draining our district’s reserves and sending the bill to the Sparta taxpayers.

    When the 2023 “Stop Raising Taxes” slate introduced themselves, they were very clear on what the slogan meant, and now, in 2024, it still means the same thing to this year’s “Stop Raising Taxes” slate.

    Each year, New Jersey school districts are expected to create a sound budget that falls within a 2 percent tax raise cap. This 2 percent cap is to include all increases: salaries, supplies, inflation, etc.

    The “Stop Raising Taxes” slate believes that Sparta’s district budget can be balanced while staying within that cap. This is done by regularly pricing out vendor contracts, shopping health benefit options and using our education dollars in the classroom rather than on unnecessary, unbudgeted expenses - all while still being able to offer our staff livable wages. Those dollars do not belong in the hands of our attorney or other towns that Sparta pays when we send our special-needs children out of district because we cannot afford to add necessary services.

    It’s also important to note how prudent it is for any Board of Education to annually approve a 2 percent or less tax increase. Failure to assess any increase puts Sparta on the state’s radar to potentially decrease our funding or, even worse, take over the budget and force a tax hike as what is happening in New Jersey towns throughout the state right now.

    A net zero increase is not recommended by the Department of Education, and the “Stop Raising Taxes” slates are aware of that. It’s concerning that all candidates running for this important role don’t understand that it’s fiscally irresponsible to not raise education taxes slightly every year to not jeopardize state funding.

    This year, four extremely intelligent, educated and qualified candidates are running for the Board of Education under the “Stop Raising Taxes” slate. Collectively, they are well-experienced in finance, education, school security, social emotional learning and more. Our Board of Education would thrive under their leadership.

    The elected 2023 “Stop Raising Taxes” team was successful in keeping our tax levy under 2 percent despite being overruled when they asked to solicit competitive pricing for large district contracts. They’ve succeeded with remarkable improvements that serve our district with just three members in less than one year.

    The 2024 “Stop Raising Taxes” team also believes in full due diligence when it comes to service providers in our district and vows to find the right vendors at the right price. How much of your money could be saved if our Board of Education ensured that we are getting the best services for our children at the best cost?

    I implore you to research the platform that 2024 “Stop Raising Taxes” slate has developed and vote for Martinez, “Ramos” Serafino, Williams and Hinkle.

    Let’s keep the momentum going and elect the 2024 “Stop Raising Taxes” team.

    Dana Gulino
