Share the road while driving

Sparta /
| 18 Apr 2022 | 01:52

    As spring finally gets under way it brings out not just daffodils and tulips but also an increase in pedestrian traffic, especially on roads adjoining our lakes and parks.

    Here at Lake Mohawk roads like East Shore Trail will see not just lots of cars and motorcycles but also walkers, joggers, bicycle riders, gaggles of kids headed to the beach and new parents taking their child out in the stroller.

    Situations like this require that some action be taken to reduce incidents of speeding and to inform drivers as to the nature of the roadway on which they’re travelling.

    Our police do the best they can but of course they can’t be everywhere all the time. One possible solution is something Millburn uses to slow things down. They employ solar powered speed readout units. These are permanent installations that are placed at key points where pedestrians and motor vehicle traffic are likely to come together, such as near beaches and business areas. These really do work (they certainly slowed ME down) and are a cost-effective way of reducing danger on the roads.

    And as much as I know the county doesn’t like to play favorites, the fact is that recreational roadways need special signage such as “Share the Road” and “Watch for Pedestrians” symbols, not to mention “Hidden Driveways” reminders along the route.

    We have been lucky over the years in avoiding pedestrian/motor vehicle tragedy. Let’s take some simple safety measures to help us stay that way.

    James R. Heckel
