Support for county Republican ticket

| 31 Oct 2017 | 06:13

    In the upcoming election in Sussex County, my family and I are supporting Steve Oroho, Parker Space, and Hal Wirths.
    Senator Oroho is the foremost expert in finances and budgets in the state legislature. He knows that for the state to prosper, elected officials must work with both business and labor to create a climate to make the state competitive to retain and create jobs. Senator Oroho has done that successfully in his tenure.
    Assemblyman Space is a man of the people. He works hard every day just like his constituents and he is more comfortable in Carhartts and work boots. He used his service on the Assembly Labor Committee to promote construction, apprenticeships, and job skills training programs.
    Hal Wirths will make an outstanding member of the Assembly. As Labor Commissioner, he got tough on fraud and abuse, and saved the Unemployment Trust Fund from bankruptcy. He worked hard to lower payroll taxes and promote better employer training to give the unemployed or underemployed skills that employers were looking for.
    Freeholder candidate Herb Yardley has qualifications that will make him an excellent Freeholder. From his past service as Mayor of Stillwater to running the County Health Department Herb has the experience ability to provide the best services for the lowest cost to the residents of this County. Herb also is very concerned with helping our returning Veterans transition back to civilian life and getting the help and services they need.
    Oroho, Space, and Wirths have shown a dedication to this district and to the working men and women who live here. Given the chance Yardley will be an excellent Freeholder and get things moving forward. They have earned your support on November 7.
    David Castner
    Highland Lakes