What about Greenwood Lake?

| 22 Dec 2017 | 10:54

    As a lake resident and N J Co Chair of the Greenwood Lake Commission, I was very happy and at the same time, extremely disappointed to read that a new bill # S-2389 and A-4097 is making its way through our state legislature, dedicating $500,000. annually to the Lake Hopatcong Commission to protect, preserve and maintain the water quality of Lake Hopatcong. Why the disappointment? Because Senators Pennacchio, Bucco and Oroho, sponsors of this long needed legislation, did not have the wisdom to include Greenwood Lake in the legislation. No knock on the Lake Hopatcong Commission, they only serve the immediate area of that lake, whereas, Greenwood Lake is the head waters that serve over 3 million residents, thousands of Jersey businesses, which employee many thousands of our neighbors and follow residents — you tell our legislators that Greenwood Lake Commission should not be receiving a like amount, if not, a larger amount, for the importance of Greenwood Lake to the entire state of New Jersey. I strongly encourage everyone to contact our state representatives, Sen Pennacchio, Asw DeCroce and Asm Webber and many other legislators to have the Greenwood Lake Commission added to bill S-2389 and A-4097 or to introduce a like bill for Greenwood Lake.
    Email at… senpennacchio@njleg.org, aswdecroce@njleg.org, asmwebber@njleg.org, senbucco@njleg.org, senoroho@njleg.org, senmartin@njleg.org, asmeustace@njleg.org.. to send additional emails, go to, njleg.state.nj.us, thats our state site, click members, legislative roster and all state representatives are listed.
    Lets make this happen, need all your support,
    Paul Zarrillo
    NJ Co-Chair
    Greenwood Lake Commission