Shocked at high price tag

| 15 Feb 2012 | 10:07

    I went to the Sparta tax collector to find out how much money is collected by Sparta in tax dollars. After I found out how much money goes to the town and then to the Sparta Board of Education, I went to the lboard meeting to find out if the board members knew how much money is given to the Sparta School System. Not one person, including the board president, could answer this question. Mr. Smith, the board president, kept saying to me at the board meeting, that he was sure that I was going to tell them. I hope you are sitting down for this information. The Sparta township collects $84,161,223.74 in tax dollars — over 84 million dollars. From that $84+ million dollars, the Sparta School System receives $53,356,479.50 of our tax dollars to run the schools. The Sparta Board of Education needs to stop the spending. We the taxpayers need to make this board accountable for this large amount of money. In my opinion,the majority of this board, including the president, vice president and Dr. Morton need to resign. The taxpayers of Sparta need to step up to the plate and do something about the way this board and administration are spending our hard earned dollars. Every taxpayer of Sparta needs to do something concerning what is going on in Sparta. We have a $71 million dollar high school and our test scores are in the bottom quarter of I districts. This board of education has the slogan that it is all about the children. I disagree with that statement. In my opinion, it is all about the taxpayers of sparta and the children. Phillip Seranni Sparta