The kindness of strangers

| 15 Feb 2012 | 09:17

    On Wednesday, Aug. 24, my mom and I were driving to Sparta to run some errands. To our surprise my mom's phone started ringing with my cellphone number showing. I answered the phone and it was a man named Dave telling me that he found my purse in the middle of White Lake Road, which contained my phone and my wallet (with $$ in it!) When we were leaving our house, I must've put my purse on the roof of my mom's car and forgot about it. This man was nice enough to call us and meet us on the side of Route 15 with my belongings. He was in a hurry, so we were only able to get his first name. Dave, I hope that you will read this and realize how much it meant to me. It's good to know that there are people like you in the world. Thanks Dave! Emma Cawley, age 12 Lafayette