Financial Expert Marion G. Cuff, CFS®: Do Your Part during the Pandemic

During this time, our country is facing two overwhelming crises: our health and our economy. We are doing well now, but there are and will be ups and downs on both fronts. And there’s no amount of government money that will save this economy unless COVID-19 is stopped in its tracks and the health of our country is fully restored. Without our health, the economy can’t be fixed: restaurants stay closed or operating at reduced capacity, students cannot return to full-time classes in person, small businesses are shuttered, and similar such restrictions remain in place.
The only vaccine I see right now are facial masks, social distancing, and hand washing. It’s what all of us can do to protect ourselves, our community, and our wealth. Health is the outfront financial fixer.
I’ve been a Sussex County resident for over thirty years, and I care deeply about our community. I’m grateful to those who are contributing to the overall well-being of our citizens. That’s why The Grace Financial Group chose to bat a thousand against coronavirus with 500 dollars and 500 masks in an effort to make a positive difference.
We donated $500 on the GoFundMe page named Sparta Helps Healthcare Heroes. It was our way of saying, “Thank you. We are behind you.”
We also donated 500 innovative face masks to help slow the spread of the virus. I had my clients in mind as well as several area organizations I wanted to support—places like the assisted living facilities of Knoll Heights and The Chelsea at Sparta, caring for our senior citizens; the Sparta Historical Society, a nonprofit jewel that houses much of our town’s journey from as far back as the 18th century; and the New Sussex Symphony whose musicians have been entertaining me for three decades, feeding my soul.
I purchased a unique style of face covering to give away. It’s actually a soft cloth worn around the neck. I just love this idea! Because it’s around my neck, I can’t leave home without it or forget it on the seat of my car. When coming into close contact with someone, I just pull it up over my mouth and nose. Find a style that works best for you.
As a financial expert, I see the other vaccine needed is the inoculation against fear and short-term thinking. A long-term investment strategy based on financial principles tested over time, coupled with your life vision and goals, are the ingredients of a financial plan.
So reach out to me, come in out of the storm, and we’ll get through this together.
Marion G. Cuff, CFS®
Founder and Financial Professional
128 Seneca Lake Road
Sparta, NJ 07871